The Size of Your World is the Depth of Your Consciousness

Saturday, January 29, 2011

China, America, Japan & Malaysia_World Economics

When China (the world's largest producer) curbed supplies of rare earth minerals to Japan (the world's largest user) the price of rare earth increased 7x. That was June 2010. China controls 97% of the world's rare earth elements production.

Without rare earth we would not be able to produce iPods, iPads, tinted glass, goggles, medical equipment, laser beams, missile defense systems, weapons --- the list is endless. You can do without gold, but rare earth has no substitute.

China is now holding 970Billion worth of US treasuries (debt). Tim Geithner US Treasury Secretary is now in Davos campaigning so that countries will keep on buying and will not liquidate US Treasuries. Ouch, wouldn't like to be in his shoes.

This week Standard & Poor, the US rating agency downgraded Japan's sovereign rating to AA- (the 4th highest level). Japan has faced economic recession for the past 2 decades. The paradox is that the Americans themselves have a budget deficit of 2-over trillion dollars and yet America has a triple A credit rating! Go figure!

The theme of our discussion is economic strength. China has it.
Nowadays I don't know about America. I'm sure they know how to take care of themselves. What about Malaysia?

The key factors driving global economic progress today are rare earth elements, commodities, food, and oil and gas. This is a fact.

Malaysian commodities are doing well what with the price of rubber products and palm oil increasing. For how long?

Oil and Gas has been big for Malaysia, with Petronas and all. But our supplies are running low. And because the world now wants clean energy ,what we actually need to produce is natural gas.

So how do we get natural gas? From coal-bed methane, sandstones, methane hydrates, and shale. The technology involved with drilling shale is horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.

Using this technology, and according to the (US Energy Information Administration) EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011, the US has 2.552 trillion cubic feet of potential natural gas resources. From this 828 trillion cubic feet is natural gas from shale resources and this amount of shale gas can last the US for 110 years.

Where is Malaysia on this score? What do we do about all that???

Oil field services sector is slated for phenomenal growth because these companies are needed for expertise in drilling for shale gas. Who are the top such companies? Schlumberger, Halliburton. Both from the US of A.

Why do I care about this? Call it national pride. I want to be proud to be Malaysian.

Malaysia's Economic Transformation Program or ETP

Malaysia Investment Development Authority or MIDA will organize INVEST MALAYSIA on April 13 - 14. This is set to be a biggie. Every year at an event like this, the PM announces something phenomenal.

Last year PM Najib launched the NEM (New Economic Model) where he expounded how Malaysia is to become a high income economy as opposed to it being a just low-cost manufacturing hub. That's where perception currently sits and as PM cum Finance Minister, Najib aims not only to change, but transform.

Malaysia will also host the FORBES CEO Global Conference Sept 12 - 14. Here Team Malaysia led by MIDA and Bursa Malaysia is set to review the deliverables - results from implementation of the ETP.

All this very important for the ruling govt in terms of credibility. Last year 30 Mar 2010 PM Najib launched NEM and spoke about Malaysia competing globally in the financial markets. It was then that Goldman Sachs was invited to set up shop in Malaysia and a host of other liberalizations announced. Talent Corp, Innovation Centres --- all strategies to grow and sustain.

Then what? So what?
So that... the public feel confident, FDI keeps growing, the people's needs, wants, and desires are responded to. Our need for safety and security --- physical safety (there is law and order and justice), psychological safety (knowing our voices will be heard and human rights protected), financial and economic security --- that will last not just for our time but for our children and their children.

Yes, so all eyes on Najib, his govt, and ETP deliverables. It's a big idea. Definitely an idea worth supporting. It means jobs, it means quality of life, it means peace

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book Yourself Solid

Why do many talented people fail to succeed?
Because while they may be expert and skilled, they have not balanced this know-how with
other determining factors for success, namely how to drive their business; how to build that singularity between passion, performance, potential and profit.

Book Yourself Solid is a workshop that will help you create strategies for growth
by addressing the need for networking, sales, marketing, branding and promotions,
in terms of increasing top-of-mind recall for what you do, increasing your suitability as a collaborative partner and keeping you booked solid as a self - employed professional.

Say you have a miracle cure for something. And because your product is intangible,
you find it difficult to communicate it's value and benefits to your prospects. Let's call the product "self - actualization." Other descriptions include "personal mastery," "laser-beam focus,"
and "peak experiences." What do you do? You talk to as many people as you can.

You talk enthusiastically till you're blue in the face. Fine. Only trouble with that is, you're on a time-line. While you talk, you have bills to pay. While you keep up with your material, working to improve and raise your competency, your energy is waning --- why, because you aren't drawing in enough participants into your trainings or clients into your coaching programs.

The easiest to think would be, "what's wrong with me?"

Funny thing about people is, they are all about themselves. They make decisions based on what they want and how urgently they think they need them. Oftentimes it's not about us at all but so often we fail to persist, we give up because we confuse "them and us." And remember, the only thing we have control over is ourselves.

So step 1: Manage your Self.
There's a whole psychology attached to this but this is not the focus of my presentation

Step 2: Branding, Marketing, Selling, Promoting, Networking is the conventional way to spread one's message. Unless something else is invented on the planet that serves the purpose, it's good that we pay attention to its principles.

I know of those who are dead against this --- like lawyers and other professionals who believe that marketing is tacky. Here's the thing. Marketing is simply about differentiating yourself and what you do from what others do. One doesn't have to feel cheap doing this.

My MO is: Never be afraid of the truth. So if it's true, why not tell it? Tell people all the ways you are good --- and different. Teach them how to see and feel as you do. Share with them the value and benefits you can bring to them. Show them how to be discerning while making their choices.
Why make it about you? It's about your public. It's about your client. Coaching is a helping profession, so help.

Networking is all the buzz nowadays. Social networking even more. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. I barely know what's what. But hey. Pick up the lingo. Go with the flow. Connect and conquer. Connect and convert.

What's stopping you? Are you afraid of rejection? I'd rather think we're afraid of success. Wait till we hit it big. And we will, no doubt, because our product is superior in every way.

For more on my presentation, you'll just have to come to Colorado this July
The 1st ever International Neuro-Semantics Conference in the world

Malaysia - Australia Business

Larry Gould is the guy on my left and Michael Halpin is the fellow on my right.

Larry leads bilateral trade, investment and good relations between Malaysia - Australia from Aussie-land and Michael (who is British) leads
out from Malaysia.

My portfolio in the whole game is Media, Communications & PR. This photo was taken at a press interview about what our business council actually does and what outcomes we hope to achieve by the end of 2011.

PM Najib is expected to travel to Australia this March and the Malaysia-Australia Business Council will organize a trade and investment conference in conjunction with his trip. MABC will lead a trade delegation and conduct social and business matching activities for both parties.

Not only to promote business links but MABC plays the role of mediator, facilitator, and advocate between business, industry, and govt. In an ever increasingly competitive global market situation, every little bit of help becomes important. That little bit of "edge" and leverage can put you head and shoulders way ahead of others.

It's all about being our best, isn't it? That's what's important about life.
In the end, it's all about what you will be remembered for.

1st ever Neuro-Semantic Conference this July in Colorado

For the first time --- since Dr Michael Hall began developing the psychology of Neuro-semantics and self-actualization, now... his followers and NS practitioners totaling approximately 10 000 worldwide, are set to gather at the founding place - where Hall's work began.

This July 1 -3, in Grand Junction Colorado, 22 Neuro-semantic trainers, leaders, and Meta-Coaches will be presenting to the theme of: Actualizing Excellence.

The conference will have 3 tracks --- [1] Business [2] Personal Development [3] Coaching. It all boils down to [1] Skills and Competency development [2] Self Mastery [3] Business sense.
Neuro-semantic coaches and trainers are ranked highest in the world in terms of all three, thus making us the most sought-after, highly paid, most illustrious performers in our category anywhere in the world.

Michael Hall PhD, the founding father of Neuro-semantics holds incredibly high values around the development of what he calls the "community" of Neuro-semanticists. Camaraderie, professionalism, cooperation --- are hallmarks of the International Society of Neuro-Semantics.

Neuro-Semantics trainers and coaches today work at actualizing excellence in the fields of sports, business and entrepreneurship, leadership, human resource and organizational development, entertainment, negotiation and facilitation.

Neuro-semantics trainers and coaches are in the business of managing change and producing peak performance, facilitating through transitions, strengthening identity, and developing talent and competence.

Is your life made up of peak experiences?
Are you living your best life?

If not, it's time to find out more about neuro-semantics and the psychology of self-actualization
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